Friday, March 26, 2010

Let's Talk About Ladue

Yes, let's...

I grew up in Ladue, I went to school there from kindergarden through high school. I know some great people that live/ed in Ladue. But... I have every confidence that the vast majority of the people who live there harbor some kind of racial predjudice. Whether that be the overt, unadulterated bigotry or the (in some ways) more dangerous and subversive "some of my best friends are black" sort. Want proof? Here it is:

It may not be hard and fast evidence but it's still pretty damning. The scary part is that these people are very, very wealthy and powerful. What can we do? Well, unfortunately, not a whole lot but shine a big-ass spotlight on these assholes and expose them for what they are.

I will reiterate though: This is not a representation of all the people that live in Ladue. Some of them just have money and want to take advantage of the awesome schools there. And they are awesome, I mean, let's give credit where credit's due.

So send this link to everyone you know that lives in the St. Louis area. Or shit, send it to everyone, so that forward-thinking people everywhere don't make the mistake of passing through, moving to or supporting any business in that god-forsaken place (I could think of no more colorful description. Nothing seemed insulting enough). Let those dickheads and their fucktarded, bat-shit insane, lunatic mayor of theirs waste away in their gated neighborhoods and country clubs while the rest of the world passes them by.

Short one today. Thoughts?


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